Summer Studentships 2025

The BALR, in association with Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis, Pulmonary Fibrosis Northern Ireland, and Breathing Matters, invites applicants to apply for summer studentships, to take place in the summer vacation period. The awards will cover a maximum of eight weeks for research projects in the following areas:
A specific lung condition (e.g., Asthma, Lung cancer, Mesothelioma, COPD, IPF etc.)
Cross-respiratory research, with value across all (e.g., pulmonary infection)
Deadline 10th May 2025
Applications will be open to basic science undergraduate students in their final two years of study and medical students either postgraduate or between their second and penultimate years of study or undertaking an intercalated BSc.
The awards will comprise of:
A stipend of £1,600 for living expenses,
£400 for consumables (including poster printing costs). For non-laboratory-based research projects, applicants will be required to justify their use of the consumables budget if requested.
A £250 travel award will be provided for studentship recipients who submit their research findings to a scientific conference and are invited to present their research in the form of a poster/talk. Conference attendance should be within 6 months of completion of the Studentship project and travel award recipients will be required to submit a short conference summary for the BALR website.
It is a requirement for students in receipt of the BALR Summer Studentship to submit an overview of their project for the BALR newsletter/website, and for that of joint funders where applicable, highlighting their experience of undertaking this summer studentship.
Important: It is the applicants (PI and student) responsibility to ensure that the student has the “Right to work in the UK” in place before accepting the studentship. BALR and supporting charities are not responsible to obtain the required paperwork.
Please note: student and supervisor are required to be BALR members. To join the BALR, click here https://www.balr.co.uk/membership